Stop Car Repossession
Get My Car BackIf your care has been repossessed or creditors are in the process of repossessing it, my skilled team of bankruptcy attorneys at The SJK Law Firm can help. Even if you have already “lost” your vehicle, there are ways that an experienced bankruptcy firm like SJK can get it back for you.
I understand that you need your car to get to work, get your kids to and from school, and more. If you don’t have a car, and there is an emergency, there could be dire consequences. To avoid the possibility of this happening, you need a compassionate attorney who has your interests at heart.
Just one word of warning for those who don’t always pay on time. I have recently discovered that many people in Georgia are unaware that there is no mandatory grace period after the deadline for car repayments before legal repossession can take place. Your payment could be just a day late or a dollar short, and the lender could legally put your loan “in default” and start the repossession process.
While a lender would be unlikely to take this action if you are normally a good payer, it could (and does) happen to people who make a habit of paying late and/or making short payments. The worst part is that a lender can take this action with minimal warning, unlike home foreclosures that take a lot more time. A car can also be repossessed at any time of the day or night, which can be devastating.
Whatever the situation, a good Georgia bankruptcy attorney can stop car repossessions and make sure you keep your car, even if you have been paying late.

Bankruptcy Can Stop Car Repossession in Georgia
By filing for bankruptcy on your behalf, a good Georgia bankruptcy attorney will be able to get an automatic stay that will stop the lender from repossessing your car without permission from the bankruptcy court. This will also stop the creditor (lender) from harassing you.
If your car has already been repossessed, the process will be a little more complicated – but it can be done.
If you have filed for bankruptcy in the past 12 months, the automatic stay may be limited, but an experienced bankruptcy attorney will know how to get it done, fast.
The other issue is which type of bankruptcy to opt for. Even there are two different types, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, the latter is a better bet if the issue is car repossession. The repayment plan will enable you to catch up with overdue amounts. You could also be eligible for a “cramdown” if you owe more than the car is worth and purchased it more than 30 months before filing for bankruptcy. In this instance, you can pay the lender what the car is worth rather than paying the full balance due on the loan.
Be aware that a Chapter 7 bankruptcy won’t allow you to catch up on payments missed. Even if your bankruptcy attorney gets a stay, once the case closes, the lender can continue with the repossession process.
Kakol Bankruptcy Can Help You With Your Car Repossession
There are several ways that the skilled bankruptcy attorneys at the Law Offices of Stanley J. Kakol can help with your repossession:
- We can stop the car repossession process before it happens.
- If your car has already been repossessed we can have it returned at no cost to you.
- We can negotiate a reduction in the interest rate for future repayments.
- If you are eligible for a “cramdown” we will be able to reduce the amount you owe.
If your car has been repossessed or the process has been initiated, experienced bankruptcy attorneys from my in-house team will talk you through the options you have so you can decide what to do.
If you agree that bankruptcy is the best option, The SJK Law Firm will file immediately so that the automatic stay comes into effect straight away. Then your dedicated bankruptcy attorney will contact your lender (and other creditors) to get you the breathing space you need. You will likely be extremely surprised at how quickly SJK can get your car back!
So, what are you waiting for? Make the call so that my team and I can get to work.